laupäev, 18. juuli 2015

I have to say I get all these ideas on what to write, when I'm at work but by the time I get home I'm not going to start writing a new post. It's more like take a quick shower and go to sleep. Or go out like last night. And in the morning it's trying to remember, what I had to say/feeling lazy. Anywho, maybe I'm repeating myself, but I really like México! I am having a good time, I enjoy the people that I work with and that I'm friends with. What's there more to ask!? Maybe less banda? Hahaha. Ok I have to get over banda. It's been pretty funny acutally, that when it's like 11 or 12 pm already and we're starting to close the bar, clean etc, and people sing along to banda. On my first days I thought are people actually screaming along or am I delusional from working my ass off. But it's true, people sing along really loud. And no wonder, they all know these songs. It's just all "new" to me ("new", because it's not that new anymore). It is weird to think that before coming here, I would not listen to Enrique Iglesias, but now it's a nice break from those damn banda songs, hahaha. Some of them they play so often, that Brenda and I have started to sing along in a very loud way (obviously not in tune, and it's so funny!). And I don't know all the lyrics, but it's still funny to just randomly go "..POR SIEMPREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.." together and then start laughing. Or sing about mi mariposa, mi amor. Good times :)
Anywho, a ferw pictures of my lovely coworkers, who I like a lot.

With Caro and Brenda. On the first day, they made us wear those awful hairnets. Life seemed easier before, hahaha

Last night after work, Josue was too scared to be on the same picture with us, but who cares. 

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