kolmapäev, 29. juuli 2015

Last night, when I was out, I heard this song that probably everyone knows, with lyrics saying: if I lay here, if I just lay here. Would you lie with me and just forget the world? that made me think about all kinds of things and life in general. The good moments in life deserve more appreciation than they get. And I'm not saying I want to stop the world and stay in one moment, no. But maybe I (and everyone else), should stop every once in a while, to look around and think about all kinds of things, instead of rushing through life, what seems to be the usual case nowadays. I feel like I just want to lay somewhere - in the park, on a rooftop - and watch the stars and think about deep stuff. (Watching clouds drift by would be nice too, but tried to do that the other day, and depending on what time of the day it is, it can be too damned bright, so you might get eye damage instead of some good ol' time filled with existential thoughts. I've had this feeling (to lay somewhere and just be) before, but I do not actually remember ever doing that. When I get the chance I kinda appreciate it, but not the way I think I should be appreciating it.. It's like I forget that I was supposed to appreciate it, when the moment arrives. Or I appreciate it and it and the time passes by really fast and the next day I find myself thinking, how come the time passed by so fast again??? For example, I walked for more than an hour last night, and it was so nice. And when walking I thought, wow, this is so nice. The weather was perfect and I was so happy. And days pass by really fast anyway. It's the end of July already. When did all those days pass? No sé. I really feel the need to start reading The Alchemist again, too. A lot of things make me feel the need, so I think I have to start either today or tomorrow. Not sure if I should try it in Spanish, though.. 

What else, these last few days I've been paying a lot of attention to what houses people have, because I'm looking for a place to live anyway, and it's always interesting. Especially since houses etc are so different here, from what they are in Estonia or the US (houses really look different within the US too, actually, but anyway..). And it's nice here. Really nice. Maybe the neighbourhood is just good, but I'm saying that the houses here have some magic to them that's appeals to me. 

Btw, saw a dead dog yesterday (and also today, there's also a really bad smell around the dog - at least I think it's where the smell comes from). And seeing it made me feel really sad, where as some of my friends said they didn't care at all and even made fun of me being sad about it. And maybe it is ridiculous, but the dog is laying by the street, under a tree. And it's a big street, not a small quiet street! And this is not a place I would want anyone to end up. And I'm not whole big on funerals or anything, but it's so sad that someone would end up like this, with no peace and quiet, people and vehicles passing by all the time, And I think feeling that way should be normal for everyone. I feel bad for the dog (and well all the homeless dogs I've also seen here) and all the homeless people I've seen sleeping on benches (it's not a rare sight, what surprises me actually, is the fact that they choose big busy streets for sleeping, I couldn't sleep with cars passing by all the time! But that of course is a matter of taste..). Anywho, no one should spend their last moments by the busy street, under a random tree, being passed by by strangers, who do nothing (like me), or who make fun of it (like some of my friends), or who don't even notice (for some reason this seemed like the worst of the three to me at first, but I guess it's worse when you notice, but do nothing. But at the same time I did actually notice the surrounding..).

esmaspäev, 20. juuli 2015

Mangos are growing on me if there is now something that could be done with still finding some pieces between my teeth two-three hours after eating one!!

And another finding: tuna fruta , nom!

laupäev, 18. juuli 2015

I have to say I get all these ideas on what to write, when I'm at work but by the time I get home I'm not going to start writing a new post. It's more like take a quick shower and go to sleep. Or go out like last night. And in the morning it's trying to remember, what I had to say/feeling lazy. Anywho, maybe I'm repeating myself, but I really like México! I am having a good time, I enjoy the people that I work with and that I'm friends with. What's there more to ask!? Maybe less banda? Hahaha. Ok I have to get over banda. It's been pretty funny acutally, that when it's like 11 or 12 pm already and we're starting to close the bar, clean etc, and people sing along to banda. On my first days I thought are people actually screaming along or am I delusional from working my ass off. But it's true, people sing along really loud. And no wonder, they all know these songs. It's just all "new" to me ("new", because it's not that new anymore). It is weird to think that before coming here, I would not listen to Enrique Iglesias, but now it's a nice break from those damn banda songs, hahaha. Some of them they play so often, that Brenda and I have started to sing along in a very loud way (obviously not in tune, and it's so funny!). And I don't know all the lyrics, but it's still funny to just randomly go "..POR SIEMPREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.." together and then start laughing. Or sing about mi mariposa, mi amor. Good times :)
Anywho, a ferw pictures of my lovely coworkers, who I like a lot.

With Caro and Brenda. On the first day, they made us wear those awful hairnets. Life seemed easier before, hahaha

Last night after work, Josue was too scared to be on the same picture with us, but who cares. 

teisipäev, 7. juuli 2015

Yesterday, when Alex and I were together in the kitchen (How come they always order burgers and ensaladas, when Brenda has a day off!? We thought we will have to pay for those salads, but thankfully the salads turned out fine!), I started thinking how crazy it is that coming from Häädemeeste, Estonia, I am here in Guadalajara now, making chicken wings in this bar, doing the things I do every day. Living my life etc. I would have never thought I will end up here, in this situation etc. And I love it. I love every moment of not being out of the comfort zone. I even liked (I guess I don't have to be so dramatic about it) doing laundry on my only free day, because it feels better than doing my laundry in Estonia. 
Anyways, wanted to post some pictures of the things that I have done.
This amazing place is just 10 minutes north from Guadalajara, basically on the way to Ixcatan (where we went on the previous time).

At first I thought this is going to be too easy, because we saw the first waterfall when we walked into the jungle from where we left the car by the road. Arturo said that was not where we were going, though..

And we continued going and going, it felt so good to climb and be surrounded by nature. it didn't even feel that hot, because the trees were blocking the sun from being too intense.

And I wasn't joking when I said we had to climb!

There was also a cave...

I think we saw like four waterfalls altogether.

This rock was the one I fell down from, got my legs nicely bruised and shaking heavily!

Climbing these rocks took us a good amount of time, because we were trying to come up with the best strategy..

When I first saw we were supposed to go this way, I thought we would never make it! But going this way actually didn't scare me at all. I guess I left my fear of heights in Springfield..

Found this amazing little pool on the way..


Finally made it! Legs were not shaking anymore, just wanted to get inside the water already!

We weren't the only people there, surprisingly!

People just started coming down from up there!

That rock was good for jumping too!

We could've obviously climbed some more if we wanted..

Few days ago, Javi and I went to parque Mirador, which is in North-Guadalajara, and as it turns out, the lonely waterfall, that we saw on both previous trips, was the one near parque Mirador (unfortunately they say it is not clean enough for swimming, Andrés and I were really hopeful about that, but nah..). Anywho, I didn't really know what to expect about that park. Arturo had told me that it was on a cliff, but I was still surprised by how pretty it looked!

I definitely want to go back to take some more pictures..

Javi learning his first words in Estonian, hahaha. Lookin' confused. The park has a bunch of viewpoints like that. Javi said that one time he'd been at the park, admiring the view and a guy had climbed up from the other side of the railing like it was the most casual thing and then left. And then we noticed what looked like someone's "home" under one of the viewpoints.

Just passed a bunch of homeless dogs just laying around, that was kinda creepy..

Popular place for couples..

Palm trees :)

Prettty amazing if you ask me..