reede, 26. juuni 2015

To celebrate being on the move for four months I decided I should write something before someone says something like "when are you going to post something???" :)

On the evening of the 18th I went to a Couchsurfing meeting with my friend, because he usually goes and I thought well why not. I met my friend at the previous CS meeting and there's nothing to lose! So at the meeting I met this guy, who invited me to go to see some geysers near Guadalajara. And I was a little hesitant at first, because I did not have a job (yeah, I got fired, yay), but when he mentioned swimming I thought I need this!!!
On the evening of the 20th we went out with Raquel and Mara, she said we will go to a bar and then dancing. So obviously I was really excited. But it did not go that way. Raquel's friend came by and took us all to a bar that looked actually pretty cool. A bunch of her friends were there and a lot of other people, because it was Saturday. We saw a lot of people get drunk, while sitting there. The music was pretty good, but when I thought about dancing, some drunk girls started dancing instead, so I changed my mind. In the end I got really pissed, because once again in my life I was waiting for others to help me do the things that I wanted to do and it was not happening, so I felt stupid!How many times will I go to the bar with others when this is not a place where I want to be!? So I just got up and walked home. Noone attacked me, yay!
The trip was on the 21st and in the morning I had to take a bus to Chapultepec, because we were supposed to meet the others there. In a true Mexican way it all got delayed as usual, but I talked to one of the other guys also going, so didn't mind. Finally the car that we were supposed to take arrived and surprise, surprise, it was an old VW bug. They have a lot of those in México. And since we had to fit five of us in that car I was quite excited and we had quite a lot of fun doing our trip the Méxican way, hahaha! The scenery on the way to the geysers was of course beautiful! 

Unfortunately people litter a lot and the place, where we had our little stop to take pictures and enjoy the scenery, looked like a trash yard. 

But we didn't let this bring us down.
Us with our merry bug.

The geysers weren't far away but it took us quite a while to get there, because there were like two signs and there were many random turns with a bad road (one seemingly drunk guy with not a lot of teeth said "go straight, go straight, there are no signs, go straight!" but en español of course, needless to say the road was far from straight!). We actually saw two houses in the middle of woods with a sign that they sell beer there (of course). People gave us directions but it always seemed like after getting new information we turned around a corner and had no idea where we're supposed to go! I think it took us more than half an hour to just drive around looking for the place. We then decided it had taken us enough time to look around and decided that we will enter someone's private property, because we saw a huge waterfall and there seemed to be a road taking us there.
We saw a bunch of cows on the way, watching us and running away from us, like the one on that picture.

Our total company, I had limited possibilities to balance my camera, sorry!

So when we finally reached the geysers, or well hot pools, a guy showed up and said we're not supposed to be there, because it's private property and he can not give us the permission to be there, because he is not the owner. So while some of us were having a really long conversation (en español) with the guy on who knows what, others were taking advantage of the situation by wandering around and taking pictures. Water in the pools was boiling, so the place was really humid. Couldn't help but feel disappointed that we can not continue to go to the waterfall. The road actually ended a little before the pools anyway, so I have no idea how we could've continued from there anyway..

Some of us still have to practice posing at home.
It was pretty massive :)

After getting done with that, we started heading back (a little sad on my part!), thinking we might not reach the waterfall after all (after seeing it I kinda got obsessed with it, because it was so hot!). But on the way back, we found a route in the woods that seemed to be heading towards the waterfall and decided to take it. It didn't go to the waterfall after all so our group divided into two, because for some reason (I was really surprised) only four of us wanted to head down the wall-like mountainside to get down to the waterfall.
It was quite tricky at times, us trying to figure out, which way to take.

We had to cross a small mountain river, it was much steeper than it looks on the picture. Plus the water was hot. At this point I was afraid the waterfall might be too warm for swimming!

Finally we reached the waterfall and basically ran into the water, because it was sooooo nice with the heat! The falling water created wind and "rain" to keep us cool. It was amazing. The pool was mostly quite shallow but had one deeper part by the wall of the cliff too, so something for everyone.

We were obviously happy to be there!

The security system was working.

Cows continued to keep their eyes on us.

We then came back to Guadalajara, where our group went to eat tacos, because we were really hungry! I had tacos with tongue and tried a local egg desert (didn't take pictures, sorry!).

Yesterday I got a new job (out of nowhere, mind you, I thought I am going to have an interview but they wanted me to start right away, not that I minded..). I now work around 100m from my house in a bar called Wings Time, where I make chicken wings and clean in the kitchen. Tonight will be my second day, yay :P

And on St John's Day I was sick. Woohoooo, I felt really weak and might have had a fever. I hope you guys had more fun!

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