esmaspäev, 15. juuni 2015

Things that have happened:
* I found a job. I wash dishes and clean in a Chinese restaurant. So not being able to find a job in a foreign country, when you don't speak the language, is bullshit. But i'm learning of course.. I earn more money working in the kitchen, than i would by being a waitress, so i don't mind. Doing the dishes is nice and cooling, because it's pretty hot in the kitchen. Anyways, I have new besties Marlene and Ana there, the boss' name is Rosa and the girls compare her with E.T. They secretly took pictures of her and downloaded E.T.'s pictures  to compare them. I'm basically hanging out with three Chinese guys. Whose names remain a mystery. One might be Chon (or something like that), the other i wanted to call yakuza, but now that i googled it it's obviously Japanese (i'm such a moron, lo siento!), should call him triad instead, but that doesn't sound as cool as yakuza. Marlene calls him The Red Shirt Guy. Anyways, i thought he was almost going to attack me the other day when i sprinkled water on him, because he was smoking in the kitchen. Needless to say he didn't stop (but i said it anyway..). The third on came to Mexico a few weeks ago so he doesn't speak Spanish either, and we call him Superman, because he has a Superman shirt. The girls paired me with him already, because he handed me the trays that needed to be washed, when The Red Shirt Guy just randomly leaves them (you don't need much to be coupled with someone in the restaurant). Anyways, Superman's supposedly 20, but looks 15. But he's pretty cool, we have our own language with him and Marlene. Chon's also pretty friendly. The Red Shirt Guy's not friendly anymore, haha (i'm totally serious actually!). They usually like to listen to Chinese music all day, sometimes they sing along too, me and Marlene also like to sing along to some Chinese power ballads, that Chon likes, haha, that's how we actually got to have our own language with Superman really. Us trying to imitate Chinese. But yeah, they sometimes listen to Western music too, which is pretty funny actually, especially when they try to sing Groove Coverage - God is a girl (that actually happened twice yesterday).  I work six days a week, which means i eat Chinese every day. Christopher told me not to do that (and i agree, Mexican food is really good!!), but there's no point in buying Mexican food on my lunch break, when i can have Chinese for free.. 
* The other day i almost started to cry when Chon played "Time to say goodbye" at work, because it's such a beautiful song. I should listen to it more often!
* Yesterday evening after work Marlene, her husband, Ana and her girlfriend and me went to three gay clubs. We didn't actually know where Ana was going to take us, we were supposed to go dancing. So when we entered the club and saw a transvestite performing i was kinda surprised. I mean i have seen transvestites before but it was just unexpected for some reason.. So yeah, we saw them perform many Spanish Cher songs (the songs sounded like Cher's songs, but in Spanish). It was all pretty random, i was amazed throughout the evening. I eventually decided this is not for me, did not want to wait for the strippers (who were supposed to perform after the transvestites) and left. Marlene said the strippers were really hot, so i guess i have to go back, but not to see the transvestites!
* One day when i came home from work this guy caught up with me on the street and started asking where i was from. I let him name like 7 countries, before i asked, if he's going to name all the countries he knows. He said he is. That's how i met Carlos. We basically talked for a hundred meters and then parted, that was pretty cool. 

The reason there are no pictures is that my phone is basically useless and i have to get a new one, yay. My camera doesn't fit in my purse, unfortunately.

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