pühapäev, 4. detsember 2016

So my dear friend Ruy just came up with a brilliant idea that I should become an actress in Mexican telenovelas:

Another idea is that you could work as an actress in a Mexican soap opera and I even got some thoughts for the plot! It would be called Papas Fritas de Amor. You would play a foreigner that moved from "far far away" country to Mexico and due to your cute look your character would be called Dulce Eikecita. One day Dulce Eikecita crosses path with Juancito, a cube all muscles dude that is a VIP, son of the most powerful businessman of Mexico. They fall in love at second or third sight, because at first sight Eikecita and Juancito are wearing sunglasses so they're like Steve Wonder and couldn't fall in love so fast. The father of Juancito is Don Roberto. His name is Don and Roberto is actually his nickname. He has a rubber toe so everyone used to call him "rubber toe, rubber toe... Roberto" (pun intended :p). Don "rubber toe" is totally against this relationship because Dulce Eikecita is a poor girl that work at the mercado San Demonio selling potato and he wants his son to date with Maria who is known both for her wealth and mean-bitch-cruel attitude. She likes to show her wealth by carrying a huge wallet (the size of a backpack) that is painted yellow with a coloring pencil, but people believe it's a gold wallet. Don Roberto decides to hire a witch called Ruy known as Sushicito, because he heard he is as powerful as legendary Don Gandalf. Sushicito also works at the mercado selling witchcraft stuff, like bull shit. Sushicito specialty is delivering bull shit. In the end Dulce Eikecita is already known as the potato queen and the girl with potato hair. One day she decided to cook French fries so she cut some of her hair and put it in the oil, but it didn't become fried potato and the truth was revealed: Eikecita has a gold hair! She redefined the saying ‘money doesn't grow in a tree’ to ‘gold grow in Eikecita head’. She became the richest person in Mexico and also referred as the brightest mind because her head was literally a shiny mine. With the money she decided to replace the writer of Papas Fritas de Amor that happened to be Sushicito, indeed a powerful witch although with lacking mental skills.


teisipäev, 8. november 2016

Impression of the day.

These days I've been thinking I want to go hiking. Just to be in the nature. I've been working as a bartender at this Irish pub (Lol, an idea from 2013. We do kind of come around to the things we are exposed to, later in life) for like two months by now, and all i can say is that i'm tired and all the noise is making me even more tired and also irritated at times. 
Even the sound of ocean would not comfort me anymore.
I want to be surrounded by mountains, in a blissful quietness that is wind and occasional chirping of a bird. And oh, no civilization. 
I could be with someone, I suppose. But without a destination. To truly enjoy the journey. 
The road would ideally go up and down and around hills and I would look around and not on the ground. No one has dropped any coins on this path, so I have no reason to looks down (except the one time we found a tiny turtle in the middle of a path in Coba with Javier). 
In my head i would hear the solo from Dark necessities and be utterly happy. 

laupäev, 12. märts 2016

I wasn't planning on writing anything today, but then I found this one post that said EVERYTHING I've basically been trying to express after leaving Estonia, that I just have to share it here as well. The thing is, people have been asking me "whys??" ever since I first dared to mention my plans to someone that was not my imaginary friend. Only yesterday one of my best friends asked me (and I've been abroad for more than a year now) once again why I want to travel, and this article  explains everything I've been trying hard to make my friends and family understand. 

Also, I almost cried four times today at work, because I listened to Metallica - Nothing else matters and missed all my friends and family. 

reede, 22. jaanuar 2016

I think I was reminded today (more than usual), that "Life is a journey, not a destination" (R.W. Emerson). 

Some days ago I decided, that it's a great idea to start walking to work and back home after that. I had been thinking I should spend more time outside, in fear of turning into a piece of furniture. So here came the idea of walking to work. According to Google Maps it's 5,8km and should take about an hour and fifteen minutes. Ok I also decided I do not want to spend 336 Mexican peesos a month on public transportation (which, if converted into euros, is a ridiculously small amount of money. But as I've said before - life's different in Mexico, and I've really been thinking of new adventures I could have in my future, one month it's 336, with the next month it's already 672 and after that.. well, you know what I mean). 
Anywho, I've now walked to worked three times already and it has yet failed to not bring a smile on my face. But before that, when I took the bus and also tonight, after having kicked my knee into a chair so hard I actually cried a little, I've seen so many people in their cars and also on the bus, who have their nose against the screen of the telephone, texting, watching videos, scrolling on facebook or what ever there is to do, and it's really sad. And dangerous! You could kill someone like that, you idiot! I too sometimes used this time to read or whatever, but oh well, as Remarque said "Whoever is perfect, belongs in a museum". It's just that with all that, you really do miss all that's going on around you. 
So this morning I was walking to work (seriously, it's getting warmer here - no, it didn't get very cold alltogether -, the sun is shining, why am I taking a bus?), wasn't very far from home, when this bus (there were other busses too, but this one wasn't your usual R-52B or something) drove by and some little girls were looking out of the open window (you can open the window in some of the busses they have here in Mexico), laughing and waving and saying "Hola!!!" (means hi!). For a moment I felt really special, but then they waved to other people as well. 
I was instantly reminded of all those little school trips, where we would be looking out of a bus window with a bunch of other kids and waving to passing cars and giggling, like little monkeys. And people would smile and wave to us and we'd be even more excited and would wave to more people. 
The point is I've never really been on the receiving end of that circle. I mean yeah, I've had people (men) wave, when I pass by, or say something really obvious like "guerita" (means blondie), like acknowledging I passed them, or whatever cheesy comes to their mind, but that's totally different. To that you just think what ever, dude! or just completely ignore. 
When children wave and say hi! you also smile and say hi!, because it's cute and brings good memories (whether you used to do it too). Or maybe you really couldn't care less, because you're scrolling your facebook feed again. In that case, what ever, dude! I will ignore you from now on. Put your damned phone away and take a look around. 

I wasn't really planning on going antimobile (for I also use it), but I just have very strong feelings on these kinds of situations.

And also, the hell you need to check your phone all the time when you're out with your friends???