pühapäev, 4. detsember 2016

So my dear friend Ruy just came up with a brilliant idea that I should become an actress in Mexican telenovelas:

Another idea is that you could work as an actress in a Mexican soap opera and I even got some thoughts for the plot! It would be called Papas Fritas de Amor. You would play a foreigner that moved from "far far away" country to Mexico and due to your cute look your character would be called Dulce Eikecita. One day Dulce Eikecita crosses path with Juancito, a cube all muscles dude that is a VIP, son of the most powerful businessman of Mexico. They fall in love at second or third sight, because at first sight Eikecita and Juancito are wearing sunglasses so they're like Steve Wonder and couldn't fall in love so fast. The father of Juancito is Don Roberto. His name is Don and Roberto is actually his nickname. He has a rubber toe so everyone used to call him "rubber toe, rubber toe... Roberto" (pun intended :p). Don "rubber toe" is totally against this relationship because Dulce Eikecita is a poor girl that work at the mercado San Demonio selling potato and he wants his son to date with Maria who is known both for her wealth and mean-bitch-cruel attitude. She likes to show her wealth by carrying a huge wallet (the size of a backpack) that is painted yellow with a coloring pencil, but people believe it's a gold wallet. Don Roberto decides to hire a witch called Ruy known as Sushicito, because he heard he is as powerful as legendary Don Gandalf. Sushicito also works at the mercado selling witchcraft stuff, like bull shit. Sushicito specialty is delivering bull shit. In the end Dulce Eikecita is already known as the potato queen and the girl with potato hair. One day she decided to cook French fries so she cut some of her hair and put it in the oil, but it didn't become fried potato and the truth was revealed: Eikecita has a gold hair! She redefined the saying ‘money doesn't grow in a tree’ to ‘gold grow in Eikecita head’. She became the richest person in Mexico and also referred as the brightest mind because her head was literally a shiny mine. With the money she decided to replace the writer of Papas Fritas de Amor that happened to be Sushicito, indeed a powerful witch although with lacking mental skills.
