reede, 22. jaanuar 2016

I think I was reminded today (more than usual), that "Life is a journey, not a destination" (R.W. Emerson). 

Some days ago I decided, that it's a great idea to start walking to work and back home after that. I had been thinking I should spend more time outside, in fear of turning into a piece of furniture. So here came the idea of walking to work. According to Google Maps it's 5,8km and should take about an hour and fifteen minutes. Ok I also decided I do not want to spend 336 Mexican peesos a month on public transportation (which, if converted into euros, is a ridiculously small amount of money. But as I've said before - life's different in Mexico, and I've really been thinking of new adventures I could have in my future, one month it's 336, with the next month it's already 672 and after that.. well, you know what I mean). 
Anywho, I've now walked to worked three times already and it has yet failed to not bring a smile on my face. But before that, when I took the bus and also tonight, after having kicked my knee into a chair so hard I actually cried a little, I've seen so many people in their cars and also on the bus, who have their nose against the screen of the telephone, texting, watching videos, scrolling on facebook or what ever there is to do, and it's really sad. And dangerous! You could kill someone like that, you idiot! I too sometimes used this time to read or whatever, but oh well, as Remarque said "Whoever is perfect, belongs in a museum". It's just that with all that, you really do miss all that's going on around you. 
So this morning I was walking to work (seriously, it's getting warmer here - no, it didn't get very cold alltogether -, the sun is shining, why am I taking a bus?), wasn't very far from home, when this bus (there were other busses too, but this one wasn't your usual R-52B or something) drove by and some little girls were looking out of the open window (you can open the window in some of the busses they have here in Mexico), laughing and waving and saying "Hola!!!" (means hi!). For a moment I felt really special, but then they waved to other people as well. 
I was instantly reminded of all those little school trips, where we would be looking out of a bus window with a bunch of other kids and waving to passing cars and giggling, like little monkeys. And people would smile and wave to us and we'd be even more excited and would wave to more people. 
The point is I've never really been on the receiving end of that circle. I mean yeah, I've had people (men) wave, when I pass by, or say something really obvious like "guerita" (means blondie), like acknowledging I passed them, or whatever cheesy comes to their mind, but that's totally different. To that you just think what ever, dude! or just completely ignore. 
When children wave and say hi! you also smile and say hi!, because it's cute and brings good memories (whether you used to do it too). Or maybe you really couldn't care less, because you're scrolling your facebook feed again. In that case, what ever, dude! I will ignore you from now on. Put your damned phone away and take a look around. 

I wasn't really planning on going antimobile (for I also use it), but I just have very strong feelings on these kinds of situations.

And also, the hell you need to check your phone all the time when you're out with your friends???