kolmapäev, 21. oktoober 2015

esmaspäev, 12. oktoober 2015

I wish I could say I lived an amazing life in September, and didn't have time to post anything, but in reality I've just been working. Already two people (including my father!) said I haven't posted anything, so here it is - got myself together on my free day.

It's supposed to be getting cooler in Guadalajara, but as my coworker the other day said "Es un horno!" (as in it's an oven here), so it's like a never ending summer, really hot summer, that is! So while everyone's already wondering where they put their winter jackets in Estonia, I still walk around with shorts and a t-shirt, feeling like I have too many clothes on! And man was it a bad idea to cut my hair!! It's now long enough to annoy me but too short to have all of it out of my face. Meaning it's even hotter to walk around with this heat. Beats me how (well this is not something new actually!) women can walk around with their hair loose, when it's so hot. 
Anywho, I have a new job now. I work at a pizza restaurant as a barman. All new. it's not like I can now make all drinks known to man, since what we serve is more like something to drink when you're eating. But it's still something new and I enjoy it. I do not, however, enjoy pressing lemons to get lemon juice for lemonade, especially since my skin has decided that it will get cuts where the fingerprint lines run from opening the bottles. That really hurts! My fingers look like washing them is not one of the things I regularly do, as well, "thanks" to cutting strawberries every day. But other than that I really can't complain. The new coworkers are nice and the job itself is good to. The hours are long, but oh well, we laughed with a friend that we have less time to actually spend the money we earn. This means 10h/day during week days and around 12h/day in the weekend. Few days before I started working there I was thinking (No, I think all the time, really!) that I should work less and enjoy life more, because I once read, that I can always work, if necessary, but I should enjoy life as much as I can and in any way I can. And then started working even more. On my first day, when I was making drinks, I looked up and the owner of the place was taking a picture of me. I of course freaked out - what now!? But he said, it was just a picture. So I thought ok, what ever, sometimes people here act like they've never seen a white person (yeah I was really cruel with this remark, but seriously!). So five minutes later he sticks his phone in my face again and tells me I am now on facebook.

Looking like a moron.

So no more pictures. This is already the second time actually, when something like this happens. The first time I went to see a room in a house, when I was looking for a place to rent in the beginning of August, and when the owner lady was telling me about the rules of the house and how things are, her husband took a picture of me. When I asked why would he take a picture of me, he said it was for his son - I am really pretty and he would like him to date me. How flattering to be pimped out to my possible future landlord's son.
I've been really thinking I should go and live at the beach these days. Because why not. It's about time I go swimming! Or do something fun.
I can actually sleep at night now, after buying a net for mosquitos for my window. In Estonia, when you have the window open and light on, you will have a bunch of mosquitos in your room, trying to suck the life out of you. Here you don't have to even have the light on for them to have a gathering and eat you alive. One time I woke up around four in the morning, because I was scraching myself furiously, around four mosquitos buzzing around my head. It could have been, that I felt tired, because they just sucked so much blood out of me, that my body couldn't cope anymore! I'm pretty sure it's possible. And there's one mosquito living in the closet. I have not yet managed to capture it to end it's worthless life. One time I read that mosquitos can be carrying malaria here, so you know why I was a bit upset, when I woke up in the morning with twenty mosquito bites, more or less!

Other news - a few months ago grandma wrote that I in no way should I go to Chile, they had a pretty strong earthquake, so she was obviously freaked out that I was so "close" to all of it. Last Tuesday she wrote, asking, when am I going to Chile already, so I could continue my education and get a good job (how typical). Hahaha, she really has some kind of a vendetta against Mexico! Wish I knew why! Well actually I think, that if I went to Chile now, she would tell me it is not safe there and do I really have to be there altogether!? Hahaha!

New experinces:
* working as a barman
* Driving at the back of a truck, like it's very popular here in Mexico. Ever since coming here and seeing how people very often drive in the back of the truck together, I've wanted to do it myself. It was really nice and windy.

Picture or didn't happen, right!?

I've also been reading JK Rowling's books (yeah, can't get over her) these days and they are amazing, I have to read the whole Harry Potter series in English, because her style is just awesome!

I went to facebook this morning after around three weeks (usually I only use messenger and haven't really had time to surf the net on my computer) and found out people are still getting engaged and having babies and it feels like I haven't been to facebook in a year. But it also feels really nice. The less the better :)

And last, but not least, a random dog :)